Email Subject Line Tester

How can you stand out in the inbox? Get more opens?
Compare it to 100,000+ other emails sent by marketers like you.

You know what would go great with this subject? An entire email. Checkout Hoppy Copy.

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  • A
    95 Points
    90% Complete

    Very solid subject line that should perform well for you.

  • Scannability


    Has a scannability higher than 5

    A measure of how easy-breezy it is to read your subject line. Don't shy away from using well known industry specific terms, just don't make it complicated.

    Average: 5 (lower is better)
  • Reading Grade Level


    Was written at a 2nd grade level

    Reading Grade Level is a mixture of word choice, complexity and length. Writing at a lower level tends to generate more opens.

    Average: 7th Grade Level (lower is better)
  • Length

    5 Words

    Contains 31 characters in 5 words

    How many words in your subject is less important than the right words. Keep it specific. Focus on what your reader will get out of opening this email.

    Just don't make it too short (hurts opens) and if you go long, try and put multiple CTAs or value propositions into the subject.

    Average: 52 characters in 8 words
  • Preview

    Make sure this preview reads well on Desktop and mobile.

    Target: 36 characters for desktop; 20 characters for mobile
    best subject line tester tools
    best subject line tes
  • Sentiment


    Is positive with a score of 0.313

    Sentiment scores below -0.25 are negative and above 0.25 positive. Most emails 76% are Positive or Neutral.


    Sentiment Analysis of All Marketing Emails

    • 24% are negative
    • 31% are neutral
    • 45% are positive
  • RE: OR FWD


    RE or FWD not found in subject

    Putting a fake RE: or FWD: at the beginning of your subject may temporarily boost open rates, but is not recommended unless you're actually responding to an email. Many email clients and anti-spam systems have begun flagging these as suspicious..

    A pititful number of emails (1.07%) start with RE: or FWD:
  • Free


    'Free' was not found in subject

    Spammers and low rent marketers have so over used `Free` in email subject lines that it's best to avoid it if at all possible.

    Only 2.34% of emails contain the word 'free'.
  • Spammy words


    No Potentially Spammy Words Found

    Obviously there are words and phrases found more often in spam emails. While using these won't automatically put your email into the spam bin, it's best to avoid them if you can.

    6.49% contain something likely to get them marked as spam.
  • Bad Tab words


    No Bad Tab Words Found

    Sometimes added to give a sense of urgency to your email, these word choices are likely to work gainst you. Often they'll push your email from the Primary to the Promotions tab in Gmail and generally hurt open rates.

    14.21% of emails contain something that may hurt their tab placement rates.
  • exclamation mark


    No Exclamation Mark Found

    Exclamation marks tend to hurt open rates and Gmail tab placement, avoid them.

    12.36% of emails are overly excited.
  • All caps words


    No All Caps Words Found

    Subject lines with all cap words both look like they're shouting and like you are a spammer.

    9.37% of emails contain an all-caps word.
  • Punctuation


    No Excessive Punctuation Found

    Swearing like a cartoon sailor isn't something you should aspire to, in life or your subject lines. Recommendation: Remove some punctuation from your subject.

    Best practice emails: 0.34% contain excessive punctuation.
  • Personalization


    No Personalization Found

    If they do any personalization, most marketers stop at 'Hey FNAME' - but personalization can both be much more and much more effective.

    Idea: Try personalizing your subject with name, industry, title, interest, or geograpic info.

    1.42% of emails contain subject personalization.
  • QUESTION in subject


    Why Not Question your Subject?

    If you're struggling with creating a compelling subject line, try a question. They're more naturally engaging and typically result in higher open rates.

    Idea: Try rephrasing your subject as a query to increase engagement.

    10.48% of email subjects are questions.
  • All lowercase


    Your subject is all lowercase

    Lowercasing your entire subject is a stylistic choice that can make your subject stand out in a crowded inbox. It can be a good way to signal that it's a more personal, less corporate message.

    0.86% email subjects are entirely lowercased.


    Who wants a 🌮 ? Try some emoji.

    Thowing a few topical emoji into your email's subject line is an easy way to catch the eye. Copy and Paste from

    2.50% of subjects contain emoji today.

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